individual choice…

In an ever changing modern world, we find a growing diversity of products and services available to us, and this too can be said for the funeral industry. With technilogical advances and changing consumer behaviours, bereaved families are being given more choice and options when it comes to commemorating their loved ones; From colourful glitter coffins to sending ashes up into fireworks, there is now an easier ability for families to find a personal and memorable send off, making their final goodbye a truly special one.

We at Henry Paul Funerals, work with a range of highly reputable suppliers, giving us the ability to meet any of our families needs and wants. From traditional simple funeral ceremonies to highly flamboyant colourful celebrations of someones life, every option has its place in allowing us to create a truly unique service for the family.

Some of our trusted suppliers include Colourful Coffins, Alba Rose Jewellery and Somerset Willow Wicker Caskets. To find out more, download our brochure from our Services page.

Colourful Coffins

Henry Paul charity Golf Day